Sleep Orchestra - NEW EU VAT RULING
Due to the new tax/VAT laws coming into effect 1-1-15, I have taken to bandcamp and made all my music on there available for FREE (for the time being till they work out how to squeeze tax out of FREEBIES anyway).
I know a lot of my fans have downloaded from me for FREE anyway (I don't mind too much) I am thinking that in the future, God willing, major releases will be physical through labels or digital through iTunes etc. This doesn't mean that FREE music will disappear entirely from Sleep Orchestra but it does mean that there may be releases coming out less often from me. As I'm sure you understand, even musicians need to make money to eat.
Thanks for your support and I hope to keep music coming your way for as long as I can manage it, especially with the ventures I have lined up for this coming year.
Keep your eyes and ears peeled for new Sleep Orchestra soon and support all the small labels and solo/up and coming artists out there who are going to be struggling due to these idiotic new rules squeezing the last few breath's from us "small businesses".
Try to have a Happy New Year.